Monday 24 August 2015

Jafra Spa Mud Mask [Indonesian Review] - For Combination Skin

Halo beauties :D Di beberapa post yang lalu kan Wenny udah sharing pemakaian masker lumpur dari Jafra dan hasilnya terbukti bagus, hari ini giliran aku yang nyobain sekalian ngereview. Untuk detail produk bisa dibuka di post Wenny disini , supaya tidak mengulangi banyak post :D

Oh iya, sebelumnya jenis kulit wajah aku normal-kombinasi ya, di tengah-tengah antara kering dan berminyak (padahal menurut aku berminyak, tapi ternyata kombinasi karena hanya area seputar  hidung dan pipi, bukan seluruh wajah :) Beda dengan Wenny yang kulitnya kering, nah disini aku mau ngereview supaya beauties bisa lihat perbandingan antara pemakaian di kulit kering dan kulit kombinasi.

Friday 7 August 2015

My Skincare Routine (For dry skin)

Hi ><, sorry for not posting for a while. I’ve got many things to do and I don’t have quite time for doing any blog. So here it is for you guys, my skincare routine that I do. And because I have dry skin lately, this would be recommend for woman with dry skin. Not that it would be bad for oily skin, it is also good for you guys but maybe you can cut off any moisture products before any makeup.

Nowadays dry skin really made me stressed out. Not only that my makeup looks patchy and flaky, but it is also hard to put them on. Before, as I tell you guys I have combination skin which it is quite easy to put any makeup on. And now, before I put on bb cream I should always put any moisture skincare to prepare my skin. So here are the list products that I use before makeup and also at night. Do not worry for quality of each product, I will never recommend anything bad to you.